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You are not here by accident or chance!

Explore to find out what God wants You to know!

"Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he

was called the Friend of God."

~ James 2:23 ~

...Am I a Friend of God?

The answer carries eternal consequences.

Can we know there is a God?

Most people do not deny their own senses. Just by what they can observe with their own eyes they naturally understand the world and all that is in it must have a Creator, it is the obvious that such complex designs must have a complex Designer.

So why would some people deny their own senses?

It is the sin of self. If one accepts the fact that there is a God who created them, then it would follow they must accept what God has said.

"And when [Jesus] had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Mar 8:34-36)

Can we know what God has said?

How can we know what God has said to us? So many different religions, so many "religious" books have been written.

Again we can rely upon our own God given senses to separate the real from the fake.

Every religion there is has writtings which it claims is holy or sacred and given from God or some higher power. It is quite simple to determine if that book is of God or if it is simply from a man's own sinful imagination.

A simple question to ask;

Are the writtings by a person claiming to be a prophet of God? If yes, how does the writer prove they are a prophet of God and that their writings are indeed from God?

The Christian Holy Bible is the only book having some unique characteristics setting it apart from all other writings.

It is a "bible" of 66 distinguished writings or books written over a period of 1500 years, having 39 different writers, each one agreeing with and conforming with one another. Now this alone is so remarkable the common senses would have to take note that this bible must be of supernatural origins.

But it goes much further than common sense. The Christian Bible writings places requirements upon itself, requiring any person claiming they have authoritative messages or writings from God to first prove they are a prophet of God or an apostle of God.

Many sound biblical websites can be found which spend a great deal of time on this subject. We will not spend the time here, but conclude the biblical position is the Holy Spirit inspired authoritative writings for the body of Christ are complete with the 66 books of the Christian Holy Bible. Any additional writings claiming to be authoritative for the church or any portion of the church do not meet the biblical requirements given in the Word of God. We are warned to beware...

"But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction." (2Pt 2:1)

Again we can use our common sense. Would God decide some thousand or sixteen hundred years later to give us a few more books which ultimately contradict the canon of 66 books He already provided?

God gave us teachers and preachers to teach us what God has written. But there are false teachers who want their own versions of God's Word to be revered as authoritative. Thus they take on the claim of prophet or apostle in order to give themselves some self legitimacy to pump themselves up before unwary victims.

These ministries enslave their members through fear tactics such as teaching one cannot be saved for lack of works or works which do not meet their own made up standards, or for not worshiping on the right day as they have declared it should be, or for not being a baptized member into their congregation, among many other rules and regulations designed to retain their victims even such as the threat of being shunned and even forcing family members to shun their own children or parents for leaving their conterfeit church. These are cult practices. This is evil...the grace of God does not operate in this way. These ministries are perversions of God's grace and love. Avoid them at all cost. These are counterfeits created by the devil to deceive and keep people from the Truth.

If you find yourself caught up in one of these false ministries, it is our prayer that through the information provided on this website you can free yourself from following these false teachers and turn to following the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Holy Word alone.

God has made knowing Him very clear and simplistic. True Prophets and Apostles of God, who all paid a very heavy price with their lives, have done the hard work God gave them to do to deliver for us His Word. God has not made it a mystery or difficult to read and understand. Just pick up the Christian Bible, ask God for understanding, and read the truth God wants every person to know.​   

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